Find another way of boosting your publishing business model. Learn more about exclusive Publica features that make your business grow here!

In the last decade, we have seen how digital publishing has revolutionized the industry. Beyond the transformation from a printed catalog to an eBook format, nowadays, we see new publishers’ business models and innovative projects that use technology to offer exciting and customized experiences to the reader.
We present you with five innovative business models that you can also take advantage of:

Big news portals like The New Yorker or Reforma in Mexico offer monthly plans. Publishing houses can also provide subscriptions for their catalogs and take advantage of this business opportunity.
Customized content
One of the most important features about content is customization. Lost my name is a publisher project that started in 2014 and has sold more than 3 million copies of its children’s stories. Each copy is made by order and has the initial of each reader. This is, without a doubt, a unique experience for parents and children.
Today, the reading experience must be a one-of-a-kind moment, connecting with readers through technology like audio, video, geolocation, etc.
Social boost
Users are so powerful. But when it’s about boosting the content that they love, this power is even more significant. Swoon Readers is an active readers community and also a publishing house. Here, reading lovers can vote and comment. Those that take more votes are published with an “Approved by readers” insignia.

Users are having more and more control of what read, consume and recommend. They want to have different options and the possibility of choosing between them. For example, they can access a whole catalog, take a subscription plan, or access just one magazine or newspaper article. There are platforms like Relatos Revueltos, a web that let every reader create their own anthology by selecting stories from a vast authors’ database.
If you want to take advantage of the freemium business model, you must offer free content from your platform. This publication’s importance is that it has to work as an entrance to the rest of your store. To make this happen, you can create discount coupons.
As you can see, there are a lot of new business models that you can choose thanks to the digital publication of your catalog. Look up the options that you can add to your current offer to have an approach to your new readers and take advantage of electronic publications.